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Do Acoustic Panels Keep Sound In Or Out?

Confused about how acoustic panels work? Discover the differences between acoustic panels and soundproofing to determine which option you need.

Acoustic panels have long been used within professional settings such as recording studios to enhance the sound quality of any audio that’s produced or listened to in the room. 

However, with acoustic panels now becoming an increasingly popular feature in a wide range of residential and commercial settings, it’s important to understand what acoustic panels are designed for, and crucially what they are not. 

So before you purchase acoustic panels, we’ve put together the following guide to help you understand when and when not to use them.

Depending on whether you want to improve the acoustics in the room or create soundproofing, you’ll find all the information you need right here in this post. 

Understanding How Acoustic Panels Work

Various types of acoustic panels exist, and they all provide some kind of acoustic treatment. By acoustic treatment, this means reducing undesirable sound effects which can occur depending on the setup of the room. 

Many environments have poor acoustics, such as open plan spaces or rooms that have a lot of hard surface materials. When acoustic panels are installed on the walls or ceilings, this can enhance how audio or speech sounds within the room by providing a cushioning effect. 

For instance, when chatter excessively echoes around a restaurant making it difficult to hold a quiet conversation, this is probably due to poor acoustics. By changing the texture of the wall or ceiling through acoustic panels, the sound would be absorbed instead of bounced around. 

Acoustic panels are also fantastic at enhancing audio from TVs, speakers and other types of media devices. Whether acoustic panels are installed within a home cinema or an office space, any such audio would sound clearer and closer to how it was intended to sound. 

At WoodWall, our acoustic wall panels feature vertical wooden slats which are mounted onto thick material backing. Their design means that any sound is cushioned, providing a more ambient acoustic experience compared with the sound hitting and reverberating off the wall. 

So Do Acoustic Panels Keep Noise In Or Out? 

While it’s true that acoustic panels do provide some level of soundproofing compared to a plain wall due to their thick material backing—their primary intention is to improve sound clarity within the environment. 

Therefore, acoustic panels are not considered as a solution for soundproofing, as they do not specifically keep sound from travelling in and out of a room. 

For anyone reading who feels disappointed, then the reality is that by searching for acoustic panels that provide soundproofing, you are actually in search of the wrong product! 

That’s because what you actually need is soundproofing materials which are specifically designed to offer a decibel reduction of noise moving through your walls, floors or ceilings. 

Acoustic Treatment Vs Soundproofing – Which One Is Right For You?

Few people are qualified sound engineers, so it’s really easy to be confused by the differences between acoustic panels (i.e. that provide acoustic treatment) and soundproofing. 

As noted above, this commonly leads people to misunderstand what product they need, or wrongly assume that one product is better than another. In reality, it’s all about selecting the right product that will help you solve your specific noise-related issue. 

Acoustic panels and soundproofing panels both alter the perception of how you hear sound but in very different ways. The easiest way to understand which option you need for your project is to look at the name of the product. That’s because the clue to what either product offers is in the name, either soundproofing or acoustic treatment. 

Improve The Sound Quality Of Conversations, Music or Audio Playing In The Room

Then you need acoustic panels! Acoustic panels can improve the quality of sound recordings, as well as the clarity of conversations held within the room. This is why acoustic panels are now a popular interior feature within homes, offices and other commercial environments. 

Acoustic panels are ideal to use in environments where professional audio is created, or where there is a need to reduce echo or reverberation in the room generally. Contemporary slatted wood wall panels also provide the benefit of improved aesthetics due to their highly attractive design. 

In short, if the room has an echo or reverb, particularly if it is open plan or lacks soft surfaces to absorb noise, then opt for acoustic panels. 

I Have Noisy Neighbours Or Want To Soundproof A Room

Whether you want to stop noise from entering your property, or you want to isolate noise you make from entering other parts of your home, you likely need soundproofing. 

Any materials described as soundproofing reduce the ability for sound waves to travel through the wall or floor surface, resulting in less noise on the other side of the material. 

Soundproofing can be a complex task, as you need to identify all areas where the sound ‘leaks’ through the walls, floors or ceilings and apply noise insulation material. This can consist of soundproofing panels, rubber sheeting and even acoustic battens for floating floors. 

Sometimes, soundproofing materials are described as acoustic insulation or sound deadening. However, any products providing soundproofing properties will be labelled as such. They will likely also offer a decibel reduction guide so that you can understand how much soundproofing will be provided. 

I Want To Soundproof A Room – Can I Still Incorporate Acoustic Panels As Part Of My Project?

Yes! Once your environment has been soundproofed, you may also wish to improve the acoustics of the room by using acoustic panels. For instance, if you have any type of recording, film or podcast studio, and you want to isolate the noise you make in the room, but also require acoustic enhancement to reduce echo or reverb. 

Unlike soundproofing materials, acoustic panels are very easy to install. At WoodWall, our acoustic panels neatly slot together to give a uniform look. They can be cut to any size or shape, including fitting around power outlets or light switches. 

WoodWall – Shop Our Contemporary Acoustic Panels UK

When you’re in search of improved sound quality for your conversations or audio, then acoustic wall panels offer just the right solution for your residential or commercial space. 

Boasting an attractive visual appearance, acoustic wood wall panels also upgrade the look as well as the sound of your space. 

At WoodWall you’ll find a beautiful range of acoustic panelling for walls featuring a contemporary vertical slat design. Available in several colour options, acoustic treatments have never looked so stylish! 

Purchase your acoustic wall panels here at WoodWall and get Nationwide UK delivery on your order. 

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